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濕敏抗敏修復膏 Eczema Recover Cream




🌿濕敏抗敏修復膏 天氣乾燥又爆裂、天氣潮濕又痕癢、流汗又會刺激到傷口,這是濕疹患者的寫照吧!😢 拒絕依賴類固醇,更想減少皮膚吸收防腐劑等化學成份,就轉用純天然手工香港製的濕疹膏,專為香港人皮膚而製,每星期新鮮製造💪🏻。 經驗過蠶豆仔的濕疹康復過程☀️相信希望在明天,蠶豆媽媽將自家製、純天然、有機配方的濕疹膏推廣給各位飽受濕疹所困的朋友,為你們加油!💪🏻💪🏻 🚫不含類固醇 🚫不含防腐劑 🚫不含人工香精 🚫不經動物測試 ✅有機成份 ✅嬰兒及孕婦可用 ✅自家手工製作 ✅安全可靠 成份: 有機金盞花油、有機荷荷巴油、有機乳木果脂、有機永久花精油、有機藍艾菊精油、有機洋甘菊精油、有機松紅梅精油、有機乳香精油、有機天竺葵精油 功效:舒緩敏感症狀、保濕並在皮膚上形成天然保護膜可防止水分流失、降低痕癢感、消除炎症 用法: 將適量的濕疹膏塗於患處(可用於臉部或身體),每天3次,薄搽,並保持患處乾爽。配合濕疹舒緩補濕水及酪梨保濕霜,效果更佳。 保存方法: 方法一:將濕敏膏存放在雪櫃,可保存五個月 方法二:將濕敏膏存放在陰涼處,可保存三個月 備註:濕敏膏因含乳木果脂,放雪櫃後因低溫而會凝固,形成一點點白色是正常現象,不影響使用,如放回室溫可回復柔軟。 濕疹是複雜而難纏的皮膚病,天氣、食物、化學品、情緒、衣服⋯都可以令濕疹發作甚至惡化。所以更要保持積極正面的態度,相信終有一天,症狀是可以得以舒緩的,加油🌊🌄👍🏻💪🏻 本產品是天然成份,並不含藥性,能降低濕疹患者的不適感,如濕疹嚴重者,建議直接向醫生求診。 Eczema Recover Cream Chapping, itch, irritation… These are the most common challenges to eczema patients when they encounter different weather condition changes. However, that’s not the end of the world. Having witnessed the long recovery process of her own children, G6PD Mama sincerely introduces the homemade Eczema Recover Cream. This 100% organic formula with natural ingredients would be the best buddy to all the eczema patients on the road to recovery. No steroids No preservatives No artificial fragrances No animal testing Organic ingredients Suitable for babies and pregnant women Handmade Safe and reliable Major ingredients: Chickweed oil, marshmallow oil, calendula oil, chamomile oil, shea butter, blue tansy essential oil, helichrysum essential oil, German chamomile essential oil Direction: Apply a thin layer of the Cream to the affected area (suitable for face and body) three times a day. Keep the affected area dry. Storage: Best within 5 months if stored in refrigerator OR best within 3 months if stored in dry and cool place Eczema is a complicated dermatitis and takes a really long time to be cured. Factors like weather, food, chemicals, emotions, fabrics can be the reasons to trigger or even worsen eczema. However, with faith and perseverance, eczema can finally be cured. The product is made of 100% natural ingredients and steroid-free. It can be used for soothing and alleviating the symptoms of eczema. Consult medical personnel if any severe symptom is observed. #有機生髮水 #脫髮 #白髮 #diy護膚品 #有機 #organic #eczema #濕疹 #奶癬 #金盞花 #止痕 #止痕膏 #香港腳 #主婦手 #消炎 #天然防蚊 #黑頭 #粉刺 #蠶豆症 #玫瑰痤瘡 #暗瘡 #頭瘡 #淡斑 #口水疹 #有機護膚品 #葵涌廣場 #蠶豆媽媽 🌿關於蠶豆媽媽 因著擁有兩位蠶豆症小寶貝的蠶豆媽媽,陪著孩子漫長的血淚濕疹康復路程,深深感受到大自然的治療力量,亦期望將這些純淨有機的天然產品,推廣並普及化。 備註:效果因人而異,敏感情況可能會受天氣、食物、接觸物等影響。本公司所有產品並不含藥性,亦不能代替醫生處方藥物。不設退換/退款。 使用前注意事項: 所有產品只供外用,若使用後出現敏感症狀,請即停止使用,並請教醫生。若手工皂不慎入眼,請即以大量清水沖洗。在使用新產品前,為確保產品絕對適合你的肌膚,建議你作出自我肌膚敏感性測試,如手背及手腕測試。



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